Living Post Surgery (21 Months)

Published by CDigsBrainstyle on

Post Surgery 

Coming home from surgery and inpatient therapy I was ecstatic to just be in my own bed. I kept telling all the nurses and therapists it should be called the Barrow Bootcamp for how the schedule was; intense which was good but all I wanted was to catch some rest. The therapy there was for 3 weeks which included 7 day’s per week and 3 hours a day. Since I couldn’t swallow resulting in a feeding tube to be placed directly into my stomach we felt staying in the hospital and doing the beginning therapy in AZ was best for us. 

Once home I was able to remove the feeding tube in about 5 weeks when my swallow reflex came back. I was swallowing whole foods in about 7 weeks which was the first major milestone for me! I did notice that my Jaw clicked and made a snapping noise when chewing. It did get worse over the first few months then better around 6 months. With it worsening I bit my lip a lot when I chewed so I preferred food I could just swallow with very minimal chewing. Today it’s almost 100% healed with a very slight pop from the jaw opening unevenly on the left side.

I did outpatient physical and occupational therapy for another 6 months at a local office after returning home. I’ll talk more about my view on the western medicine therapy in a therapy specific post later on. The biggest thing is it’s your own recovery and no matter what anyone says you’ll get better if you don’t quit. I had one therapist say that it looks like you plateaued so recommended we stop therapy. I know they were well meaning but others may not have seen it the same. Doctors and therapists really need to watch the words they use to patients after a traumatic experience, few will ever know.

My wife sought out Reset Rehab through a post on Facebook. Steve Cairns had lunched an inquiry into joining the first movement project for anyone interested, we applied and through a vetting process I was accepted! This happened just as my traditional therapy was ending. What I’ve learned from this past year about therapy and movement have transformed the way I approach my daily movement routine. Steve is a true blessing in my life and his growing community has made a large impact on my recovery journey thus far.

During this healing journey I’ve had and still have neuropathy on my left side of the body which is a numb and tingly feeling. This past winter has been the hardest for me emotionally, physically and spiritually up to this point. I now realize I had some mild depression, increased stress and overall a poor attitude. I am making amazing progress to get past all that today with an increased capacity to work through what ever life throws my way. You really have to accept all the possibilities for what you can do in the present moment of your life. 

Reading, meditating, mindfulness, journaling and working on mind-body protocols were and still are essential for my overall well being. Here’s a great quote by Marcus Aurelius on pain and suffering I really latched on to.

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

-Marcus Aurelius

Pain, the traumatic experience and perceived suffering I’m experiencing has given life a whole new appreciation I would never of had without living through it. With that I really look for the lesson in everything and make sure I learn with every experience. 

Currently I’m working on managing some symptoms that seem to be caused by outside factors by re-training my brain. I do this by telling myself over and over that it’s a conditioned response (like Pavlov with his dogs) and that I am safe. My brain made this association to protect me but the weather or fill in the blank is not causing symptoms, my brain is. It’s a very common conditioned response but not everyone is affected by the weather or which ever reason I conjour up, so I don’t need to be either. At the end of the day your belief will take you where ever you choose to go. 

I’ll end with a great quote by a neurosurgeon I follow on twitter.

“Every human tragedy takes form in fertile soil in which a great recovery can take root and blossom.  Embrace the suck of chaos and plant your seeds.  Allow the sun and rain to drench you because your renewal is just around the corner.  Both are forms of carbon.  Both carry different uses for life.  Do you know why yet?  If not, why not?  Embrace the suck and learn why, because your life depends on knowing it.”

-Dr. Jack Kruse

Life may be harder for me but it’s sure not impossible! 

keep the faith, 

Categories: Journey


Lori percivalle · May 3, 2023 at 5:58 pm

I’m so proud of you Cory. Keep up the good attitude and work!!! Love you.

Marianne Baldwin · May 3, 2023 at 7:35 pm

You have been doing such amazing things to get yourself up and going. You know your strength and you know what you can do and your doing it. God Bless you and keep up the positive work and positive

Tom Cassella · May 3, 2023 at 8:30 pm

You are strong as a bull, Corey!! God Bless youBrother!!! 💪🙏❤️

Donna · May 4, 2023 at 4:05 am

Corey, the strength of the Warrior,(Female & Male) has been passed down to you in our family and to many others. Curve balls are thrown at us in our lives here on earth and it is in our responses (are choices) to those challenges that determine the overall outcomes. We can choose Fear or we can choose FAITH. With Faith comes Purpose and purpose is the fuel needed to drive us to be all that we are created and meant to be here on earth. Sometimes our purpose is to bear challenges and hardships and sometimes it is smooth and gentle but it is always is giving, spreading love and kindeness to all things. You are all of these wrapped up into one and you have many Angels all around you. Ho’oponopono my dear Nephew. I love you.

Anthony spark · May 4, 2023 at 5:43 am

So proud of you. Thanks for sharing all this ❤️

Robert Yorke · May 4, 2023 at 5:19 pm

Keep up the good work we will get there I do like your attitude too life 😊

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