Mental Rehearsal for Healing my Brain

Published by CDigsBrainstyle on

I created a specific detailed healing rehearsal based on facts that I can visualize often.

For context with my surgery we not only removed a brainstem lesion located in the lower right pons medulla junction, but a previous lesion that bleed in my cerebellum as well.

During my day I will send healing energy instructions to specific parts of my brain to repair damaged tissue. It’s now scientifically proven that mentally rehearsing an activity installs neurological hardware in your brain to make it look like you already did it! I’m taking a similar approach, but during my rehearsal, I’m instructing my stem cells to repair specific tissue. 

I want to share in case anyone would like this information to create a healing rehearsal specific to their healing.  


Our entire brainstem is composed of neural tissue or Nervous tissue which contains two major cell types; neurons and glial cells. Neurons are the cells responsible for communication through electrical signals. Glial cells are supporting cells, maintaining the environment around the neurons.

Your hippocampus creates neural stem cells (see figure 1) which are immature or “unspecialized” cells, similar to a blank sheet of paper. They are like blank cells that can become the different types of specialized cells the body needs. (1)

Figure 1: Stem cell. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM).
Figure 1: Hippocampus, Neural Stem Cell.

The hippocampus is very close to the pineal glad (see figure 2) which you’re going to use as the transducer of information, from the creator to a gene segment of our DNA (2).

Figure 2: DNA transcription of a gene segment.
Figure 2: Piineal Gland

This will give these genes the instructions to express properly and make the correct proteins, ie. neurofilament and others, to specialize the neural stem cells into neurons, glial, microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocyte lineage needed as the raw materials to repair the damaged tissue. (See figure 3)

Figure 3: Neuron under electron microscope.
Figure 3: Neurons and neural cell types.

You will use the ependymal cells in the Cerebrospinal fluid to transport these newly formed cells from the third ventricle through the Cerebrospinal fluid out the fourth ventricle and onto the pons and cerebellum. (see figure 4)

Figure 4: Cerebrospinal fluid Ventricles.

There they will be used to repair the damaged brainstem and cerebellum tissue, specifically around your surgery site area of nuclei 5-10 in the brainstem and the around the fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum.

Repairing the tissue will specifically improve the electrical signal, too and through, the nerves that operate with and around these nuclei. (See figure 5)

Figure 5: Cranial Nerve Nuclei.
Figure 5: Crosscut of brainstem nuclei, and cerebellum.

Repairing of nuclei 5 which controls sensations of the face, mouth, tongue and cornea for you specifically on the right side.

Repairing of nuclei 6 which controls the horizontal eye movements, for you specifically in the right eye and to the right direction.

Repairing of nuclei 7 which controls the facial expressions, for you specifically on the upper right hemisphere of your face.

Repairing of nuclei 8 which controls hearing for you specifically in the  right ear, coordination of eyes, head and neck movements, posture and balance control and integration with the cerebellum.

Repairing of nuclei 9 which controls the sensation of the tongue for you specifically on the right side.

Repairing of nuclei 10 which controls swallowing, heart rate and blood pressure.

Repairing smoothness to the Phrenic Nerve which controls the diaphragm exclusivily.

Repairing the fastigial nucleus in the cerebellum which controls smoothness in motor control by sending signals to the brainstem and eye movement nuclei. (See figure 6)

Figure 6: Cerebellum – Fastigial Nucleus and nerve tracts.
Figure 6: Cerebellum – tracts


The more specific information you put into your conscious mind about healing and the more understanding you have of how the body works, will raise your bar of what’s possible (which in turn will increase your belief!) You literally evolve your brain by studying and making new synaptic connections with information.

Never accept our modern medical system or Doctors diagnosis of your reality as final! We learn as a collective race new cutting edge information everyday! 

keep the faith!



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Cover Photo: Nerve cells and glial cells under electron microscope

Categories: Healing

1 Comment

Robert · July 20, 2023 at 6:47 pm

A lot to take in but well put.

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