We receive what we believe.

I’ve realized that God has uniquely created me (us) in his image. An image of perfection, our body flawlessly working in perfect harmony. Bam!…than a hemorrhagic stroke what’s this about God?!?, this doesn’t resemble the perfection I had in my mind? Then off to a surgery performed by a man to resect a lesion in God’s ultimate perfect creation, the human brain.
While all this was a hazy cloud of disbelief, the unfolding of events in hindsight were a sure sign of Gods hand at work. The assumption that I’ve had to wrestle with in my heart was my very naïve understanding of my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I assumed (A) Believe in God, (B) Be a good person and (C) he’ll deliver the rest. A + B = C. When in fact this is true, God also wants our intimate relationship of Love. God is Love, there is no formula or pattern to ensure a challenge free life. These challenge’s we face in life aren’t even from God, but what i’ve found is God’s there to hold our hand and hug us throughout.
It’s my sole belief that this assault on me is because the enemy fears me. I am dangerous, big-time. With my warrior heart, filled with courage, strength and love; I am a huge problem. I could and will do a lot of damage .. on the side of good. I surely know whose I am and where I come from.
I’ve been at my recovery for almost 3 years in July, and 2 1/2 years of them I’ve taken over my own rehabilitation. My personal experience of therapists was they lacked the belief of what’s possible. They’ll go through the standard rehab program, but their approach left me wanting more, as I observed their methods were very outdated and focused mostly on “strength building”. Mind you, I was in great shape and strength training was not the solution to working on my broken neurological patterns. I decided to do my own research and with that I learned more in a few days than what was presented to me in my 6+ month treatment plan. Of course this doesn’t go for all therapists, but was surly my experience. I wanted the cutting edge and this wasn’t available in the traditional therapy settings.
This lead me down a path to neurorehabilitation and focusing on ways to build positive neuroplasticticy, not just from repetitive or challenging new movements. I deeply studied stimulating our brain with LLLT Low Level Laser Theropy (laser, or red light therapy), vibration (rezzimax or a tuning fork) and electrical stimulation (POnS device, stimpod). All these are studied and shown to deliver increased blood flow to our brain, and with stimulation to a specific area, you can greatly improve the natural healing effects.
What I’ve learned early on is that recovery is not a sprint or a marathon, it’s a way of life. The finish line is becoming better than what we were yesterday.
The perfection I was created in could only be given back from God. As the word tells us “faith without works is dead” -KJV 2:17. I believe wholeheartedly God can and will restore me to perfect health. I show this by my daily works toward healing.
I’ve had anxiety, been depressed and overcame my first panic attack. Experienced sadness, anger, jealousy, guilt and shame. Through all this I’ve found whose I am and my special place on this ball of mud.
The research side of me wanted to deeply understand anxiety on a neuro-chemical level which lead me to reading specific books, listening to a variety of podcasts and testing out different therapy modalities for myself. I went deep on exploring the gut-brain axis and the mind-body connection. This curious attitude led me to a fundamental understanding and has completely transformed my life.
Through this emotional journey I’ve found that happiness is my CHOICE and I own it for myself. Our responsibility is choosing to be happy, regardless of what comes our way. It may be hard or it may be easy, either way that choice is worth it.
Of course we may have some problems, we were never promised a problem free life; things in our life may not be perfect. Maybe we wish for better luck or that we were more gifted and talented. We may even of had surgery or were diagnosed with cancer or a rare disease. We can’t let those things steal our zest, that would easily give the enemy a foothold to attack us on.
Instead, I choose to say:
“God, I know you made me who I am on purpose. This is your plan, and you have given me what I have to work with. I’m not going to complain or be negative. I’m not going to go through life wishing things were different, wishing I was somebody else. Father, I’m going to take what You’ve given me, and Im going to make the most of it. I’m going to be happy with who You made me to be. I’m going to enjoy my life in spite of my shortcomings.”
– Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen
We all have battles internal and external. Some of us will choose to run and hide and this may even result into a wonderful life. However if you’re honest with yourself and ask “Was I challenged? Did I stand up for my beliefs? Would I follow myself into a battle?” These questions may highlight your heart currently.
Or we can run into the battle as a warrior! I am of the belief the quality of a true warrior is that he or she is in service to a purpose greater than self; and isn’t it funny, as we live a life more selflessly, we tend to be more joyful too. I’m by no means suggesting it’s easy to obtain this level of service or change our character, but man, does it produce satisfaction! By no means have I “arrived” at this level, although I make it a point to live this way daily even with my very regular failures.
My mindset has a huge focus on how I treat myself. What you say in the midst of your difficulties will have a great impact on how long you stay in those situations. Society has us conditioned that we “have to see it first to believe it” and we always get what we deserve in life, but we can get what we expect and more when we believe it as true. When we change our expectations and increase our belief there is no limit to the blessings we can receive. Our attitude should be the best is yet to come, we will get up each morning expecting things to work for us. All this starts by just shifting our thoughts and we can start expecting the goodness of God and expecting His blessings over our situation.
Life is not easy and it wasn’t made to be either. Each day is a true miracle, we’re here and I’ll choose to live that way in happiness.
All the Best,
1 Comment
Lori percivalle · May 15, 2024 at 5:21 pm
You are an inspiration to me. I love you♥️